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Combining the dynamic powers of martial prowess and arcane might, the hexblade presents a deadly challenge to opponents unused to such a foe. The hexblade balances talents in combat and arcane spellcasting.

Though a capable melee combatant, the hexblade relies on opportunistic use of her spells and special abilities to augment this role in the group. A hexblade with the proper skill selection can make a fine leader for a group comfortable with her style.

Hexblade spellcasting is based on Charisma.

This is a base class. <color=Red>It will be unable to qualify for prestige classes that expect a certain arcane level or caster level. It will qualify for Dragon Disciple and Arcane Archer.</color>


- <b>Alignment Restrictions:</b> Any nongood.

<color=Gold>Class Features:</color>

- <b>Hit Die:</b> d10

- <b>Base Attack Bonus:</b> High.

- <b>High Saves:</b> Fortitude, Will.

- <b>Weapon Proficiencies:</b> Simple and martial weapons.

- <b>Armor Proficiencies:</b>  All armor and Shields (except tower shields).

- <b>Skill Points:</b> 2 + Int modifier per level, x4 at first level.

- <b>Class Skills:</b> Bluff, Craft Alchemy, Craft Armor, Craft Weapon, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Heal, Lore, Parry, Spellcraft, Taunt, and Tumble.

<color=Gold>Class Abilities:</color>

Level 1: Hexblade's Curse 1/day, Armored Caster, Demoralize Opponent

Level 2: Arcane Resistance

Level 3: Mettle, Hexblade's Curse 2/day

Level 4: Dark Companion

Level 5: Hexblade's Curse 3/day, Bonus Feat

Level 6:

Level 7: Greater Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse 4/day

Level 8:

Level 9: Hexblade's Curse 5/day

Level 10: Bonus Feat

Level 11: Hexblade's Curse 6/day

Level 12: Aura of Unluck 1/day

Level 13: Hexblade's Curse 7/day

Level 14:

Level 15: Hexblade's Curse 8/day, Bonus Feat

Level 16: Aura of Unluck 2/day

Level 17: Hexblade's Curse 9/day

Level 18:

Level 19: Dire Hexblade's Curse, Hexblade's Curse 10/day

Level 20: Aura of Unluck 3/day, Bonus Feat

Level 21: Hexblade's Curse 11/day

Level 22:

Level 23: Bonus Epic Feat, Hexblade's Curse 12/day

Level 24: Aura of Unluck 4/day

Level 25: Hexblade's Curse 13/day, Bonus Feat

Level 26: Bonus Epic Feat

Level 27: Hexblade's Curse 14/day

Level 28: Aura of Unluck 5/day

Level 29: Hexblade's Curse 15/day, Bonus Epic Feat

Level 30: Bonus Feat

Hexblades gain a bonus epic feat at 23rd, 26th, and 29th level.

Spells per Day (Charisma based for bonus spells)

1st Level: 0 at 4th, 1 at 5th, 2 at 9th, 3 at 13th, 4 at 17th

2nd Level: 0 at 7th, 1 at 8th, 2 at 12th, 3 at 16th, 4 at 20th

3rd Level: 0 at 10th, 1 at 11th, 2 at 15th, 3 at 19th

4th Level: 0 at 13th, 1 at 14th, 2 at 18th, 3 at 20th

5 Spells are known at each level and are spontaneously cast. A hexblades caster level is equal to her hexblade level.

Level 1 spells: Entropic Shield, Expeditious Retreat, Ghostly Visage, Protection from Evil, and Shield

Level 2 spells: Eagle's Splendor, Faerie Fire, Invisibility, Mirror Image, and See Invisibility

Level 3 spells: Greater Magic Weapon, Haste, Protection from Energy, Spiderskin, and Vampiric Touch

Level 4 spells: Enervation, Greater Invisibility, Polymorph Self (War Troll), Remove Curse, and Shadow Form

- <b>Armored Caster:</b> As a martial arcane caster using spell-like abilities, the hexblade does not suffer from arcane spell failure, her spells cannot be interrupted, her spells bypass spell resistance, and she cannot use metamagics.

- <b>Hexblade's Curse:</b> Once per day, a hexblade can unleash a curse upon a foe as an instant action. The target of a hexblade's curse takes a -2 penalty on attacks, saves, skill checks, and armor class rolls for 1 hour. A successful Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 hexblade's class level + hexblade's Cha modifier) negates the effect and does not consume a use of the curse.

At every odd level after 1st a hexblade gains the ability to use her curse one additional time per day. Multiple hexblade's curses do not stack and can be removed with a Remove Curse spell.

- <b>Demoralize Opponent:</b> You try to intimidate your opponent and demoralize them. Failure to make a Will save (DC equal to d20 + your Intimidate skill) causes the enemy to suffer a 2 point penalty to attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. This ability does not affect those immune to fear.

- <b>Arcane Resistance:</b> At 2nd level, a hexblade gains a bonus equal to her base Charisma bonus (minimum +1) on saving throws. This bonus can not exceed a hexblades level and does not stack with Dark Blessing or Dark One's Own Luck.

- <b>Mettle:</b> At 3rd level and higher, a hexblade can resist magical and unusual attacks with great willpower and gains a +4 bonus on Fort and Will saving throws. This bonus is only applied if at least half your hit dice are Hexblade levels.

- <b>Dark Companion:</b> In combat, a dark companion functions like a floating hex that you place upon your foes. By weakening the defenses of enemies, your dark companion makes your spells and attacks (and those of your allies) more powerful. Any enemy within 10' of you takes a -2 penalty on its saves and to its AC. This penalty stacks with the hexblades curse abilities.

- <b>Greater Hexblade's Curse:</b> When a hexblade attains 7th level, the penalty on attacks, saves, skill checks, and armor class rolls incurred by a target of the hexblade's curse becomes -4 instead of -2.

- <b>Aura of Unluck:</b> Once per day, a hexblade of 12th level or higher can create a baleful aura of misfortune. Any melee or ranged attack made against the hexblade while this aura of unluck is active has a 20% miss chance (similar to the effect of concealment). The aura lasts for a number of rounds equal to 4 + the hexblade's Charisma bonus (if any).

At 16th level and every four levels after that (20th, 24th, and 28th) the hexblade gains an additional use of the aura.

- <b>Dire Hexblade's Curse:</b> When a hexblade attains 19th level, the penalty on attacks, saves, skill checks, and armor class rolls incurred by a target of the hexblade's curse becomes -6 instead of -4.